Most Accessible Attorney on the Planet
At Supreme Court of the United States
Legal Questions and Answers about Auto Collisions
At the Scene
Q. What should I do if I’m injured?
Q. What information do I need?
Q. Should I move my vehicle?
Q. Is it okay to talk about the accident?
Next Steps
Q. Do I need a lawyer?
Using an experienced lawyer can actually increase the amount of money you will be paid to compensate you for the accident, so that even after the lawyer’s fee is paid you will have more money in your pocket than if you attempted to represent yourself. An experienced lawyer knows what you are entitled to receive as compensation. Having an experienced lawyer on your side, representing only you, tells the insurance company that you are serious about protecting your rights. They know better than to misrepresent their obligations or tell you that you have to take whatever they offer. Peace of mind from knowing your interests are being protected allows you to get back to your life with as few delays as possible and with a settlement that fairly compensates you for the accident.
Q. What is the process once I hire a lawyer?
Q. How does a lawyer charge for a personal injury case?
Q. What will this cost me?
Fault and Insurance
Q. Does fault matter?
Q. What is “No-Fault” Insurance?
Q. The person who hit me has no insurance coverage. What do I do?
Your Car
Q. Can I get a rental car while my car is being repaired?
Q. What will I get for my car?
Q. Where do I have to take my car to get it repaired?
Your Injuries and Their Consequences
Q. If I have been hurt, who will pay for my treatment?
Q. Does the insurance company pick the doctor I have to see?
Q. What do I do if I have to take time off from work?
Q. What do I do with all the bills that come in after the accident?
Case Value
Q. How do you know what pain and suffering is worth?
Q. What is my case worth?
Q. Isn’t it better to take the insurance company’s settlement offer instead of risking a trial where I might lose and get nothing?
How Long It Takes and Going to Court
Q. How long does it take to conclude my case?
Q. If I hire a lawyer but do not want to go to court, can I settle?
Call For A Complimentary Strategy Session that will include a written report you can use even if you do not hire me