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Burn Injuries – True, but Upsetting Facts and Statistics

According to the American Burn Association, each year there are 1.1 million burn injuries in the United States, which require treatment. Approximately 45,000 of these injuries require hospitalization and approximately 4,500 of these victims die. Many of these injuries are caused by the negligent, reckless or intentional conduct of another party.

Burns may result from fires, automobile accidents, work-related injuries, defective products and many other causes. These injuries often cause extreme pain and can lead to life-threatening infections and severe disfigurement.

Often a victim faces many years of on-going treatment and surgeries, resulting in extremely high medical bills. Many people find themselves temporarily or permanently disabled, and may have many months or years of lost income.

Burn injuries are the second leading cause of accidental death in the United States. They are also some of the most painful and disfiguring injuries an individual can sustain. Healing can take years before reconstructive surgery can be performed, which can cause severe emotional anguish.

Each year in America, an estimated 3.5 million burn injuries are reported, and about 1.1 million burn victims suffer considerable disabilities from their burn accident. A burn can damage your skin, muscle, tissue, and nerves.

Common Places of Occurrence: 

Home 73%

Work 8% 

Street or Highway 5% 

Recreation or Sport Activity 5%

Other 9%

Average Yearly Burn Injuries Receiving Medical Treatment: 486,000

This general estimate is derived mainly from federal surveys which provide annual estimates of hospital admissions and visits to hospital emergency departments. The estimate range acknowledges that some burns may have been treated solely at hospital clinics, community health centers, or private medical offices. Such burns are more likely to be minor, and the number of such facilities sampled is too small to provide reliable estimates for burns.

Average Yearly Fire/Smoke Inhalation Deaths: 3,275

This total includes 2,745 deaths from residential fires, 310 from vehicle crash fires, and 220 from other sources. One civilian fire death occurs every 2 hours and 41 minutes. The odds of a U.S. resident dying from exposure to fire, flames or smoke is 1 in 1442. Fire and inhalation deaths are combined because deaths from thermal burns in fires cannot always be distinguished from deaths from inhalation of toxins in smoke.

Average Yearly Hospitalizations Related to Burn Injury: 40,000, including 30,000 at hospital burn centers

Over 60% of the estimated U.S. acute hospitalizations related to burn injury were admitted to 128 burn centers. 

Causes of Burns

Burns from Domestic / Industrial Fires and Accidents

Not all fires are caused by Mother Nature, and burns may also be caused by harmful substances such as acids and other chemicals.

Home or apartment building fires may arise as a result of defective products used in constructing the buildings. Gas explosions are often caused by a variety of factors either standing alone or in combination:

  • Violations of applicable codes, standards or recommended safe practices
  • Defective products or combinations of defective products
  • Minimal or no consumer information on the safe handling and use of propane or natural gas.

Other causes can be:

  • Motor vehicle accidents – When a careless driver causes a cartruckbuspublic transportation, or motorcycle crash, burns can result from fires and sparks from gasoline, fluids or exposed wires. Friction burns may also occur.
  • Boating and aviation accidents – Although they occur less frequently than motor vehicle accidents, accidents caused by careless or reckless boaters can produce the same types of burn injuries. Gasoline fires may be more catastrophic due to exposed fuel tanks in boats.
  • Workplace accidents – Serious burns are among the leading types of workplace injuries. These burns can include chemical burns and scalding. They can occur at restaurants, factories, construction sites or warehouses. They may be caused by exposure to fires, explosions, wiring, hazardous chemicals, compressed gases and hot liquids.
  • Radiation – A patient undergoing cancer treatment, for instance, may suffer radiation burns due to the negligence of a medical professional.
  • Electrocution – An electrical shock from exposed, dangling wires can produce burns that harm skin, muscles and nerves. These accidents frequently occur in the construction industry. However, they also can occur in residential settings and may be due to the negligence of a landlord.
  • Propane gas tanks – Improperly filled or defective propane tanks that are used for cooking or heating can lead to fires and explosions. Manufacturers and distributors of faulty tanks may be liable.
  • Defective appliances – An electrical burn can result from faulty wiring in a household appliance. Burns may also result from defective grills, griddles, stoves, water heaters and space heaters. The manufacturer may be liable for failing to provide proper safety features or adequate warning labels.

Type of Burn Injuries

Burns generally are described as falling within one of four categories:

  • First degree – These burns are the least dangerous even though they can be very painful. Damage to the outer layer of skin (epidermis) could make it appear to be red and dry. However, your skin will not blister.
  • Second degree – This degree of burn damages the outer skin and part of the underlying layer of skin (dermis). Burned skin can become red and blistered. It may become swollen. Pain from a second-degree burn can be severe. A deep second-degree burn can leave a scar.
  • Third-degree – These burns are severe injuries. The damage can reach the level of fat under the dermis and destroy nerves. Burned skin may become stiff, waxy white, leathery or tan. Because of nerve damage, a victim of third-degree burns may feel numbness instead of pain.
  • Fourth-degree – This burn is potentially fatal. The damage will extend to muscle, tendons and bones. It may leave your skin blackened or charred. A fourth-degree burn victim actually may have no pain because of extensive nerve damage.

The more severe the burn, the more likely that one will experience:

  • Skin, bone, muscle and nerve damage
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Contracture (tightening of soft tissue which restricts movement)
  • Lung, and other internal organ damage
  • Chronic pain

A concern is that an injured victim may also suffer complications that can include infections, respiratory failure and arrhythmia (or irregular heartbeat). A burn survivor may also suffer emotional harm, including anxiety and depression.

As explained above, the costs of treating burn injuries and related physical and mental complications should be taken into account when seeking just compensation for your losses.

Treatment For Burn Injuries

Burn treatment often starts at a general hospital before a patient is transferred to a specialized burn center. The treatment may include:

  • Emergency medical care
  • Hospitalization
  • Medication
  • Compression therapy (use of burn garments to prevent contracture)
  • Debridement (removal of dead or contaminated skin tissue)
  • Skin grafting (replacing dead skin tissue with tissue from another area of the body)
  • Plastic surgery (to remove or mask scars)
  • Mental health counseling
  • Physical burn rehabilitation.

Also, as described above, the costs of a burn injury may also include the wages a person loses while recovering from the injury as well as the decreased ability to earn a living in the future.

After the required immediate medical care, patients who have sustained serious burns often need specialized care, including plastic or reconstructive surgery. In addition, burn victims often require counseling by trained psychologists who specialize in helping burn patients cope with issues related to physically disfigured facial and other physical body features. Further, burn victims may also require future treatment, if future psychological issues arise that relate to their injuries. We understand that your immediate concern, after getting the best medical treatment possible, is to get reimbursed for any medical costs that you or loved ones incurred as soon as possible, as well as the security of coverage for future medical expenses.

Often times burn injuries occur as a result of another person or person’s negligence, and such negligence may be overlooked by the burn victim. For example, burns may occur when your landlord has the temperature of the water set at a level exceeding the maximum temperature proscribed by Virginia or Maryland law.

What is the Rule of Nines and why is it used?

The rule of nines is a method doctors and emergency medical providers use to easily calculate the treatment needs for a person who has been burned.

It’s sometimes referred to as the Wallace rule of nines after Dr. Alexander Wallace, the surgeon who first published the method.  

A medical professional will do a visual examination to look for seriously burned areas and use the rule of nines to quickly add up what percentage of a person’s body is burned. While doctors will perform more thorough examinations for burn estimation, they can use the rule of nines to quickly assess a person and start recommending treatment centers and interventions to help a person.

What exactly is the Rule of Nines?

The rule of nines is meant to be used for:

  • second-degree burns, also known as partial-thickness burns
  • third-degree burns, known as full-thickness burns

The rule of nines assigns a percentage that’s either nine or a multiple of nine to determine how much body surface area is damaged. For adults, the rule of nines is:

Body part


Arm (including the hand)

9 percent each

Anterior trunk (front of the body)

18 percent


1 percent

Head and neck

9 percent

Legs (including the feet)

18 percent each

Posterior trunk (back of the body)

18 percent

If a person’s injured due to a burn, a doctor may assess them quickly. For example, if they were burned on each hand and arm as well as the front trunk portion of the body, using the rule of nines, they’d estimate the burned area as 36 percent of a person’s body.

How is the Rule of Nines used?

A medical provider can use calculations from the rule of nines in several ways. This includes the amount of fluid replacement and degree of care a person needs.

When a person experiences a second-degree burn or worse, the protective layer of skin is destroyed. As a result, they’ll lose a significant amount of body water. This makes providing fluids vital to helping a person maintain their total body water. According to the National Institutes of Health, burns that are greater than 20 to 25 percent of total body surface area require significant intravenous (IV) fluids. Doctors will also use the estimated body surface area burned to determine how much fluid to administer.

The rule of nines can also relay to a medical team receiving the patient how serious the injury is. Providers also know that burns that exceed 30 percent of a person’s body can be potentially fatal, according to the National Institutes of Health.

If a person has burns on 10 percent of their body surface area or greater, a specialized burn center should treat their wounds. Other circumstances where a burn center should treat the wounds include:

  • when the person is a child
  • when the burned areas involve key areas of the body, such as the hands, feet, genitalia, face, or major joints
  • chemical burns
  • electrical burns
  • the presence of third-degree burns

Another example of how a provider may use the rule of nines is to determine how much IV access is needed. If a person has 15 percent or more of their total body surface area burned, they’ll need at least one peripheral line to provide IV fluids. If a person’s body is burned 40 percent or more, they’ll need at least two IVs.

Rule of Nines in children

Doctors don’t typically use the same calculations in the rule of nines to children. This is because children tend to have different body proportions than adults do, including larger heads and smaller legs. For example, children tend to proportionally have a 20 percent larger head than adults, according to the National Institutes of Health. Infants also have 13 percent smaller legs than adults.

Therefore, there are a few adjustments for the rule of nines in children:

Body part


Arm (including the hand)

9 percent each

Anterior trunk (front of the body)

18 percent

Head and neck

18 percent

Legs (including the feet)

14 percent each

Posterior trunk (back of the body)

18 percent

Burns are serious, painful injuries that require immediate treatment and intervention. The rule of nines serves as a quick method of assessment for a medical provider to estimate the extent of a person’s injuries. If the person with burns is a child, the rule of nines should be adjusted due to differences in a child’s proportions.



While your case is pending, we will do everything we can to make sure that you receive proper medical treatment for your injury.

We will provide a comprehensive investigation of your case. We can compile evidence and consult with highly qualified experts who can help us to determine why your burn injury occurred, who should be held responsible and how much should be pursued in compensation.

The legal issues surrounding fires tend to be quite complicated. It’s generally a good idea to consult an experienced lawyer to learn your best courses of action.

Our clients do not incur any costs for our fee, or for expenses.  We work on a contingency fee basis, that is, we take a percentage of the recovery, and then, at the end, we reimburse ourselves for advancing the costs of the litigation.  These cases can be very expensive and include costs for filing fees, investigations, depositions, and expert witness fees.  The last thing our clients need is to be concerned about these expenses, so they can rest assured that if we take on their case, they will get excellent representation and they will not have to worry about having money to pay for expenses.  We want our clients to be able to have peace of mind and concern themselves only with getting better.

A burn injury can result in extensive care and treatment costs. It will depend, in large part, on the severity of the burn injury. Here, hopefully there is health insurance.  If not, we work with the medical care providers and ask them to wait until the case is over to be paid.  As well, we have resources for “free care.”

Your right to recover compensation as a victim includes:

  • Reasonable and necessary past, ongoing and future medical expenses
  • Loss of past and future earnings and profits
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Loss of a normal life
  • Shortened life expectancy
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress.


Generally speaking, under Virginia law, you will have two years from the date of your accident in which to file a claim for compensation and in Maryland, three years. It is important to contact an experienced personal injury as soon as possible to preserve evidence.

In the case of children, or minors (under age 18), the time limit “starts” to run when the child reaches age 18.  Thus, in Virginia, the deadline is one day before the child’s 20th birthday, and in Maryland, one day before the child’s 21st birthday.


There are too many things you cannot possibly know, and to obtain compensation, you must have knowledge of the law, procedures, and access to experts who can prove your case. We can help you to avoid the costly mistakes that many victims in Virginia and Maryland make when they attempt to handle a case on their own. For instance, we can make sure that you do not accept a settlement agreement that fails to fully compensate you for all of your losses. Our goal, ultimately, is to protect you at every stage of your case and obtain the maximum amount of compensation for you.

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8230 Old Courthouse Rd. #430
Tyson's Corner, VA 22182
Phone: (703) 854-9288
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Phone: (703) 854-9288
Wheaton, MD
Phone: (301) 298-8383
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Alex Saveljev
Alex Saveljev
Outstanding job and always keep me posted what goin on from beginning to the end keep up an amazing job definitely recommend to see him
David Cho
David Cho
I recently worked with Paul Samakow and Rocco on a personal injury case, and I couldn’t be happier with the experience. Both Paul and Rocco were incredibly friendly, professional, and easy to communicate with. They took the time to understand my needs and kept me very well updated throughout the entire process. They were always willing to go above and beyond to meet my expectations. Even when challenges arose, they remained flexible and open to compromise, ensuring my priorities were always respected.I highly recommend Paul Samakow and Rocco Turzi
Roberto Pereira
Roberto Pereira
Avi Santizo
Avi Santizo
Muy agradecidos, con la ayuda de la señorita Evelyn Amaya en la oficina de Manassas. Una excelente persona y con un carisma que da gusto hablar con ella le explica a uno de buena manera los detalles. Le doy mas de 10 estrellas a la señorita Evelyn Amaya y la oficina de Paul Samakow
Luis Amaya
Luis Amaya
Great to work with Evelyn Amaya was the Best!! Thank you All i am happy
Jisela Guillen
Jisela Guillen
Mercedes Henriquez
Mercedes Henriquez
Todo bien solo que se tomo tiempo. Estoy agradecida con el abogado. Edgar Edgar
Evelyn and Rocco were incredible. Rocco did his best to get me the most for my case and Evelyn walked me through the hardships and what to expect. Now Paul! I love honesty and straight fordwardness... if that's a word. Paul was great, his team made me feel safe and showed me what to expect. Thank you all for what you did. From my family to yours.
Ryan Campbell
Ryan Campbell
I first got injured ( burned in a sensitive area) and I didn't know what to Expect or what to to next. I found Mr samakow and his group online, read.some reviews and gave them a call. Mr samakow took my call and we began the process of gathering details.Throughout this case I was anything but easy to work with - I was frustrated and upset with the insurance company often.Life was happening too fast around me to begin with, and this is without considering the stress from the case itself.However, through all of this chaos and confusion, Mr samakow remained calm, and for the most part found a way to accommodate me at every turn the case took. He was honest about his intentions, and always transparent. My case settled in roughly 15 months!Thanks to paul, and the samakow law group for your patience and professionalism!I'd use again, and I highly recommend. 👌Best regards,Ryan s.
Juan Benavides
Juan Benavides
I got in a motor accident in the beginning of the year. had the pleasure of working with the Law offices of paul A. Samakow, and I cannot recommend them highly enough. From the moment I walked in, the staff made me feel welcome and at ease.A special shoutout to Paralegal Evelyn, who was incredibly knowledgeable and attentive throughout the entire process. She took the time to explain everything clearly, answered all my questions promptly, and truly went above and beyond to ensure I felt supported. Her professionalism and compassion made a challenging situation much more manageable.The attorneys at the firm are equally impressive, demonstrating expertise and dedication to their clients. I felt confident in their hands, and they delivered outstanding results.Thank you Evelyn, and the entire team, for your exceptional service!
T Marie Hayes
T Marie Hayes
Ludvin Mendez
Ludvin Mendez
Excelente abogado muy recomendable trabajo 100% garantizado
Alyncia Proctor
Alyncia Proctor
Taina Hoyt
Taina Hoyt
Melissa is amazing professional employee I will always come back to get services from this firm
Ashley Ruiz
Ashley Ruiz
I had an accident by the beginning of the year, and we contacted them to represent me, they were amazing, process took less then a year, and it was super fast, Evelyn was so helpful and amazing.
Edwin Perdomo
Edwin Perdomo
What a great law firm Mrs. Evelyn Amaya kept me notified and up to date on everything and ensured me her and her team had my back and no matter how frustrated I was they spoke with respect and dignity to me which I admire, they really know there stuff, thank you again
Joe Musso
Joe Musso
I've been a nursing home abuse attorney for 25 years. In Virginia the legislature codified understaffing cases for attorneys like me in direct response to the case of Alcoy v. Woodbine which Paul Samakow litigated and won! In short, nursing home residents in Virginia are more protected because of Paul Samakow. Having now gotten to know him better I am moved by how caring and compassionate he is. An attorney that is brilliant and capable coupled with a loving passion for his clients is a dangerous combination. If you are considering hiring an attorney, Paul Samakow will not let you down.
Hemanta Shrestha
Hemanta Shrestha
I was thankful for the experience with this firm, Filly came in and assisted me with my case and i appreciated it that he was always a phone call away . Thank you so much Paul and. Filly for your friendly, impressive and fastest service and co-operation. Definitely I Will recommend to friends
Recomiendo a Melissa porque es una persona muy profesional dedicada inteligente amigable y muy responsable en lo que hace.Porque ganan todos los casos
Rosa Machado
Rosa Machado
Tuve un accidente hace 5 meses atrás y fue un bendición que dios nos dio que encontré esta firma de abogados. Son muy profesionales y muy eficaces en el trabajo que hacen. Muy satisfechas y los recomiendo 100%. Muchas gracias a Melissa Rodríguez y a su firma de abogados paul samakow a quien nos ayudó en este caso.
Josephine Agyeman
Josephine Agyeman
Melissa Rodriguez was very nice to me.She did an excellent job
Gary Njr
Gary Njr
Love!!! They help me so much and stress free!!!! Eve help answer all my questions without hesitation. Would recommend 100%
deniz Yilmaz
deniz Yilmaz
Mr. Samaria helped me with my case. He is a people’s person and very attentive. His office staff was very helpful as well. Thank you Mr.Samakow
Candice Wright
Candice Wright
Paul is excellent I trust him with my life. He took on my case not even being in his own state, he had to get a special license to practice in my state just for my case. He took very good care of me and I was a pain in the butt! He assured me that I've made the right choices. He educated me on a lot of things, step by step process. The thing that got me the most was he goes above and beyond professionalism. He keeps you well informed. He's an excellent lawyer ! I can say that he did my case Justice and you'd be a fool not to hire him . Paul will have your best interest first and foremost I can tell you that is fact!
Andreina Sorto
Andreina Sorto
I had a great experience with this law firm. They helped me in so many ways and made sure everything was taken care of. Eve is the best paralegal i’ve had and she always ensured i knew what i was going on with my case. I highly recommend this firm to anyone who has gotten into an accident and needs guidance.
Noelia Ortiz
Noelia Ortiz
Melissa is a great person she did a wonderful job. I will forever be grateful.
Joana Juarez
Joana Juarez
I have always cane back to them if I need them for any accident. This office I highly recommend.
Christian Marable
Christian Marable
Eve was very helpful throughout my case, I would definitely recommend having her help you!
Mauricio Valeriano
Mauricio Valeriano
Excelente atención.
Genesis Cleaningco
Genesis Cleaningco
My name is Lorenzo Ventura I am very happy with the services I received from the law firm I take my case to another law firm they say my case was to small then I call Mr Paul the answer was yes will take your case thanks for everything
Hatti Chase
Hatti Chase
It was a very long process. Having patience for the due justice was the hardest part. All the staff was always very friendly, respectful, and informative of the process. I appreciated the short videos to explain the process and birthday well wishes. I have never been through anything like this. So this hopefully is my first and last. To only receive a mere small amount in the range of $2,600 the other $3,000+ came from my job. So that was hurtful, because someone there or at the insurance company spoke on my behalf saying they did not think my injury ..."a ripped ligament in my knee" was caused by the car crash, and it was degeneration. That was not true. Even the doctor told told me, showed me, and gave me a video of my knee along with documentation for the results of my knee injury. You have it as well. It can never be repaired properly, it is a permanent injury. It will get worse over time. That part was hurtful. Thank you ALL anyway for what you have achieved on my behalf. And may your company have much more success for others. Have a wonderful holiday. Sincerely Mrs. Chase❤🎀🎉🎊
Kate Morin
Kate Morin
Paul Samakow is a wonderful attorney! I had a horrible slip and fall accident due to my ex-boyfriend's family's negligence with a patch of ice on their patio (which they knew about but gave me no warning, still inviting me onto the patio). My ex was high as a kite! I severely broke my elbow and it required surgery. Never got an apology from the family and they never took accountability. I had to drive myself home so my mom could take me to the hospital that night. I'm still in pain every day almost two years since the injury and over a year of PT. I permanently lost 10% grip strength in my dominant hand. Paul immediately felt empathy and compassion for my situation and the emotional and mental trauma the injury caused. He took my case and fully believed in it from the start. He took all necessary steps (and more), demanded a settlement from the homeowner's insurance company, yet my ex and his family lied about the details of the accident causing them to deny the first claim. Did Paul let these people get away with that? Heck no! He demanded a settlement again and negotiated beautifully. We recently settled after over a year of hard work on this case and I will be forever grateful. I got the closure I needed. I can finally work on overcoming the emotional and mental trauma and move on! Paul is also very responsive to texts and phone calls, even on weekends. A 24/7 lawyer! I had friends and family discouraging me from taking legal action, but I knew what I needed to do. Overall, a very supportive and wonderful experience with Paul Samakow. He went above and beyond. If you ever have an injury in which someone else is liable, Paul is your guy!
Rosa Diaz
Rosa Diaz
I rally reccomend Paul And His team they really helped me
Donna Taylor
Donna Taylor
I couldn't be any more pleased with the way Paul handled my case. He was communicative, patient, professional, and settled my case very quickly. I am so happy with the outcome. When he tells you what he thinks he can get, believe him. He was on point, and I can't thank him enough.
Karen Colato
Karen Colato
Paul A. Samakow has been so wonderful to me. Truly a praiseworthy lawyer! My mother always wanted me to hire Paul A. Samakow as my attorney. It has been the best decision I could have ever made. I highly recommend The Law Offices of Paul A. Samakow, P.C. I am very pleased and satisfied to have found this law firm to represent me. I am thankful from the bottom of my heart. I am also absolutely grateful for the above and beyond priority my case was given since the beginning. Franklin Winters went above and beyond to help me get back on my feet. He has done an exceptional job. I remember when I first came into the Manassas office with my mother. We didn’t know what to expect or what the next step would be. We were so confused and had many questions. I was also in a lot of pain. Franklin Winters explained everything clearly and in detail. He had an answer to all our questions. He also set me up into receiving physical therapy to start recovering. I started my physical therapy the same day that I signed the contract. He helped me throughout the whole process. He was keeping me informed on everything being done on my behalf. Franklin Winters gave piece of mind to me and my family. I can’t say enough how please I am. Franklin is an outstanding Legal Assistant. Also the wonderful staff for the hard work they put into helping me with my case. I am also very pleased with the settlement and the progress which was very rapid. The speed with which you brought this case to a finish, was just great! Thanks again for all your hard work. I’m glad I chose you to represent me. I don’t see how anyone could have done a better job than The Law Offices of Paul A. Samakow, P.C. Thank you so much. God Bless.
Kelly Herbert
Kelly Herbert
Juana Ferrufino
Juana Ferrufino
Someone referred me to Pa Samakow. I heard he is well known with the Hispanic community. I’m satisfied with the amount of money I got. I would highly recommend Paul to anyone who needs legal representation.
Marlon Perez
Marlon Perez
Hilton Soto
Hilton Soto
I got what I feel like I deserved and I hope I can be an example to trust this place and to always never lose hope. Just trusting them with there staff and I am forever grateful!
Katherine Guerrero
Katherine Guerrero
My experience with Mr. Samakow and his team was nothing but positive. Did a great Job with my Case . Very informative during the whole process.
Aykut Yekeler
Aykut Yekeler
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