Hola, amigo,

Ha llegado ese momento otra vez: los niños regresan a la escuela y los padres, papás y abuelos están concentrados en todos los preparativos que conlleva.

Tienes los útiles escolares, la ropa nueva y tal vez incluso algunos nervios por el primer día de regreso. Pero en medio de todo esto, hay un aspecto crucial que no se debe pasar por alto: las vacunas. Garantizar que sus hijos estén vacunados adecuadamente es esencial para su salud y seguridad y para el bienestar de toda la comunidad.

¿Por qué son tan importantes las vacunas?

Las vacunas protegen a sus hijos de enfermedades graves y potencialmente mortales. Enfermedades como el sarampión, las paperas y la tos ferina pueden propagarse rápidamente en los entornos escolares, donde los niños están en estrecho contacto entre sí. Se ha demostrado que las vacunas son seguras y eficaces para prevenir estas enfermedades. Al vacunar a sus hijos, los protege a ellos y a todos los demás niños que podrían ser demasiado pequeños o no poder vacunarse por motivos médicos.

¿Qué vacunas se necesitan para la escuela?

Antes de enviar a sus hijos de regreso a la escuela, asegúrese de que estén al día con todas las vacunas requeridas. Aquí hay un resumen rápido de las vacunas esenciales:

  1. MMR (Sarampión, Paperas y Rubéola) : Esta vacuna protege contra tres enfermedades altamente contagiosas. El sarampión, por ejemplo, puede propagarse como la pólvora en las escuelas si los niños no están vacunados.
  2. DTaP (difteria, tétanos y tos ferina) : la tos ferina, también conocida como tos ferina, es particularmente peligrosa para los niños pequeños. Esta vacuna proporciona una protección crí
  3. Varicela (Chickenpox) : Si bien la varicela puede parecer una enfermedad leve, puede causar complicaciones graves. La vacuna garantiza que su hijo no tendrá que sufrirla.
  4. Polio : aunque es poco común en los EE. UU., el polio puede causar parálisis e incluso la muerte. La vacunación mantiene a raya esta peligrosa enfermedad.
  5. Hepatitis B : esta vacuna protege contra una infección hepática grave. Las escuelas suelen exigir prueba de esta vacunación.

El proceso de vacunación: sencillo y seguro

Vacunar a sus hijos es sencillo. Programe una cita con su pediatra o clínica de salud local. La seguridad de las vacunas se prueba exhaustivamente y los efectos secundarios suelen ser leves, como dolor en el brazo o fiebre leve. Los beneficios de la vacunación superan con creces las molestias menores.

Abordar las dudas sobre las vacunas

Si tiene dudas sobre las vacunas, no está solo. Es natural preocuparse por lo que le pone al cuerpo de su hijo. Sin embargo, investigaciones exhaustivas e innumerables estudios demuestran que las vacunas son seguras y eficaces. Se someten a pruebas rigurosas y a un seguimiento continuo para garantizar su seguridad.

Vacunar a sus hijos no sólo los protege; también protege a los demás. Esto se conoce como inmunidad colectiva. Cuando la mayor parte de la comunidad está vacunada, se reduce significativamente la propagación de enfermedades y se protege a quienes no pueden vacunarse. Al vacunar a su hijo, contribuye a una comunidad más segura y saludable.

Conozca sus derechos y responsabilidades

Las escuelas tienen requisitos de vacunación para proteger a todos los estudiantes. No vacunar puede provocar la exclusión de la escuela durante los brotes y, lo que es más importante, poner en riesgo a su hijo y a otras personas.

Tome acción hoy

No esperes hasta el último momento. Haga de la vacunación una prioridad mientras se prepara para el nuevo año escolar. Verifique los registros de vacunación de su hijo y programe las citas necesarias. Vacunar a su hijo es un paso simple pero poderoso que puede tomar para proteger su salud y la de los demás.

El blog de hoy es mi manera de cuidar de usted y de nuestra comunidad; solo mi manera de mostrarle que me preocupo y que estoy aquí para ayudarlo.

Si usted o un ser querido alguna vez resulta lesionado debido a la negligencia de otra persona, llame a mi oficina al 703-761-4343 o al 301-949-1515. Estoy aquí para brindarte el apoyo y la orientación que necesitas.

Hasta la próxima, manténgase informado, cuídese y mucha suerte para usted y su hijo en el próximo año escolar.


Paul Samakow

Abogado Paul Samakow

703-761-4343 o 301-949-1515

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Ashley Ruiz
Ashley Ruiz
I had an accident by the beginning of the year, and we contacted them to represent me, they were amazing, process took less then a year, and it was super fast, Evelyn was so helpful and amazing.
Ludvin Mendez
Ludvin Mendez
Excelente abogado muy recomendable trabajo 100% garantizado
Edwin Perdomo
Edwin Perdomo
What a great law firm Mrs. Evelyn Amaya kept me notified and up to date on everything and ensured me her and her team had my back and no matter how frustrated I was they spoke with respect and dignity to me which I admire, they really know there stuff, thank you again
Joe Musso
Joe Musso
I've been a nursing home abuse attorney for 25 years. In Virginia the legislature codified understaffing cases for attorneys like me in direct response to the case of Alcoy v. Woodbine which Paul Samakow litigated and won! In short, nursing home residents in Virginia are more protected because of Paul Samakow. Having now gotten to know him better I am moved by how caring and compassionate he is. An attorney that is brilliant and capable coupled with a loving passion for his clients is a dangerous combination. If you are considering hiring an attorney, Paul Samakow will not let you down.
Hemanta Shrestha
Hemanta Shrestha
I was thankful for the experience with this firm, Filly came in and assisted me with my case and i appreciated it that he was always a phone call away . Thank you so much Paul and. Filly for your friendly, impressive and fastest service and co-operation. Definitely I Will recommend to friends
Recomiendo a Melissa porque es una persona muy profesional dedicada inteligente amigable y muy responsable en lo que hace.Porque ganan todos los casos
Rosa Machado
Rosa Machado
Tuve un accidente hace 5 meses atrás y fue un bendición que dios nos dio que encontré esta firma de abogados. Son muy profesionales y muy eficaces en el trabajo que hacen. Muy satisfechas y los recomiendo 100%. Muchas gracias a Melissa Rodríguez y a su firma de abogados paul samakow a quien nos ayudó en este caso.
Josephine Agyeman
Josephine Agyeman
Melissa Rodriguez was very nice to me.She did an excellent job
Gary Njr
Gary Njr
Love!!! They help me so much and stress free!!!! Eve help answer all my questions without hesitation. Would recommend 100%
deniz Yilmaz
deniz Yilmaz
Mr. Samaria helped me with my case. He is a people’s person and very attentive. His office staff was very helpful as well. Thank you Mr.Samakow
Candice Wright
Candice Wright
Paul is excellent I trust him with my life. He took on my case not even being in his own state, he had to get a special license to practice in my state just for my case. He took very good care of me and I was a pain in the butt! He assured me that I've made the right choices. He educated me on a lot of things, step by step process. The thing that got me the most was he goes above and beyond professionalism. He keeps you well informed. He's an excellent lawyer ! I can say that he did my case Justice and you'd be a fool not to hire him . Paul will have your best interest first and foremost I can tell you that is fact!
Andreina Sorto
Andreina Sorto
I had a great experience with this law firm. They helped me in so many ways and made sure everything was taken care of. Eve is the best paralegal i’ve had and she always ensured i knew what i was going on with my case. I highly recommend this firm to anyone who has gotten into an accident and needs guidance.
Noelia Ortiz
Noelia Ortiz
Melissa is a great person she did a wonderful job. I will forever be grateful.
Joana Juarez
Joana Juarez
I have always cane back to them if I need them for any accident. This office I highly recommend.
Christian Marable
Christian Marable
Eve was very helpful throughout my case, I would definitely recommend having her help you!
Mauricio Valeriano
Mauricio Valeriano
Excelente atención.
Genesis Cleaningco
Genesis Cleaningco
My name is Lorenzo Ventura I am very happy with the services I received from the law firm I take my case to another law firm they say my case was to small then I call Mr Paul the answer was yes will take your case thanks for everything
Hatti Chase
Hatti Chase
It was a very long process. Having patience for the due justice was the hardest part. All the staff was always very friendly, respectful, and informative of the process. I appreciated the short videos to explain the process and birthday well wishes. I have never been through anything like this. So this hopefully is my first and last. To only receive a mere small amount in the range of $2,600 the other $3,000+ came from my job. So that was hurtful, because someone there or at the insurance company spoke on my behalf saying they did not think my injury ..."a ripped ligament in my knee" was caused by the car crash, and it was degeneration. That was not true. Even the doctor told told me, showed me, and gave me a video of my knee along with documentation for the results of my knee injury. You have it as well. It can never be repaired properly, it is a permanent injury. It will get worse over time. That part was hurtful. Thank you ALL anyway for what you have achieved on my behalf. And may your company have much more success for others. Have a wonderful holiday. Sincerely Mrs. Chase❤🎀🎉🎊
Kate Morin
Kate Morin
Paul Samakow is a wonderful attorney! I had a horrible slip and fall accident due to my ex-boyfriend's family's negligence with a patch of ice on their patio (which they knew about but gave me no warning, still inviting me onto the patio). My ex was high as a kite! I severely broke my elbow and it required surgery. Never got an apology from the family and they never took accountability. I had to drive myself home so my mom could take me to the hospital that night. I'm still in pain every day almost two years since the injury and over a year of PT. I permanently lost 10% grip strength in my dominant hand. Paul immediately felt empathy and compassion for my situation and the emotional and mental trauma the injury caused. He took my case and fully believed in it from the start. He took all necessary steps (and more), demanded a settlement from the homeowner's insurance company, yet my ex and his family lied about the details of the accident causing them to deny the first claim. Did Paul let these people get away with that? Heck no! He demanded a settlement again and negotiated beautifully. We recently settled after over a year of hard work on this case and I will be forever grateful. I got the closure I needed. I can finally work on overcoming the emotional and mental trauma and move on! Paul is also very responsive to texts and phone calls, even on weekends. A 24/7 lawyer! I had friends and family discouraging me from taking legal action, but I knew what I needed to do. Overall, a very supportive and wonderful experience with Paul Samakow. He went above and beyond. If you ever have an injury in which someone else is liable, Paul is your guy!
Rosa Diaz
Rosa Diaz
I rally reccomend Paul And His team they really helped me
Donna Taylor
Donna Taylor
I couldn't be any more pleased with the way Paul handled my case. He was communicative, patient, professional, and settled my case very quickly. I am so happy with the outcome. When he tells you what he thinks he can get, believe him. He was on point, and I can't thank him enough.
Karen Colato
Karen Colato
Paul A. Samakow has been so wonderful to me. Truly a praiseworthy lawyer! My mother always wanted me to hire Paul A. Samakow as my attorney. It has been the best decision I could have ever made. I highly recommend The Law Offices of Paul A. Samakow, P.C. I am very pleased and satisfied to have found this law firm to represent me. I am thankful from the bottom of my heart. I am also absolutely grateful for the above and beyond priority my case was given since the beginning. Franklin Winters went above and beyond to help me get back on my feet. He has done an exceptional job. I remember when I first came into the Manassas office with my mother. We didn’t know what to expect or what the next step would be. We were so confused and had many questions. I was also in a lot of pain. Franklin Winters explained everything clearly and in detail. He had an answer to all our questions. He also set me up into receiving physical therapy to start recovering. I started my physical therapy the same day that I signed the contract. He helped me throughout the whole process. He was keeping me informed on everything being done on my behalf. Franklin Winters gave piece of mind to me and my family. I can’t say enough how please I am. Franklin is an outstanding Legal Assistant. Also the wonderful staff for the hard work they put into helping me with my case. I am also very pleased with the settlement and the progress which was very rapid. The speed with which you brought this case to a finish, was just great! Thanks again for all your hard work. I’m glad I chose you to represent me. I don’t see how anyone could have done a better job than The Law Offices of Paul A. Samakow, P.C. Thank you so much. God Bless.
Kelly Herbert
Kelly Herbert
Juana Ferrufino
Juana Ferrufino
Someone referred me to Pa Samakow. I heard he is well known with the Hispanic community. I’m satisfied with the amount of money I got. I would highly recommend Paul to anyone who needs legal representation.
Marlon Perez
Marlon Perez
Hilton Soto
Hilton Soto
I got what I feel like I deserved and I hope I can be an example to trust this place and to always never lose hope. Just trusting them with there staff and I am forever grateful!
Katherine Guerrero
Katherine Guerrero
My experience with Mr. Samakow and his team was nothing but positive. Did a great Job with my Case . Very informative during the whole process.
Aykut Yekeler
Aykut Yekeler
rebeca alvarez
rebeca alvarez
I had Mr.Samakow for my case and he did a fantastic job on following up and updating us and did his very best for my case. I highly recommend Mr. Samakow!
Anibal Argueta
Anibal Argueta
Mike Jones
Mike Jones
Great job!!
Aracely Gonzalez
Aracely Gonzalez
Rocco and his team were extremely helpful throughout the whole process of my case and my Daughter's case. I am Extremely happy with the results! Phillip answered all the questions and concerns i had all along. I trully recommend the Office of paul Samakov!Rocco y su equipo fueron de gran ayuda durante todo el proceso de mi caso y el de mi hija. ¡Estoy extremadamente feliz con los resultados! Phillip respondió todas las preguntas e inquietudes que tuve todo el tiempo. ¡Realmente recomiendo la Oficina de Paul Samakov!
Suzan Cole
Suzan Cole
Attorney Samakow,I‘m still trying to figure out how you turned a rock into GOLD! You handled my case lightening fast and the turnaround was smooth and quick.The best part was not having to do litigation or go through court to win. Any client who doesn’t have you on their side, is making a huge mistake!I‘m glad that we came together and you are a true professional, and a friend…Best,Dr. Cole
Latasha Thomas-Jacobs
Latasha Thomas-Jacobs
Amazing Law Firm!! Professional and result driven!
Luz Rodriguez
Luz Rodriguez
I am very blessed that God put Paul in my life. He helped me with my case and i am very happy with my results. His office is so professional, kind, caring making sure his customers are pleased. I recommend him and his team to any one that needs help. ☺️ I’m am so grateful for them taking there time with my case 2 years It took and they fault for me very grateful.
Marlon Gunera
Marlon Gunera
Muy buen Abogado
phillip ragland
phillip ragland
Extremely pleasant and personable staff along with the highest professionalism and attention to detail, Id refer everyone to the practice.
Jose el machin RomeroGomez
Jose el machin RomeroGomez
Fue excelente trabajo y muchisimas gracias por todo
Flora Zelaya
Flora Zelaya
Thank you Paul, your are my #1since 1994
Veronica Polanco
Veronica Polanco
Excelente trabajo 👏
Piankhi Zimmerman
Piankhi Zimmerman
These guys are attentive, informative, and professional. They work quickly and get the job done.
Mirna Munoz
Mirna Munoz
They have good services to the customer attention and their business,help with accuracy they promise.
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