On July 1st, Virginia passed a law banning texting while you’re driving. Sound good? Big deal! They should pass a law banning talking on your cell phone and enforce that law. Texting while you are driving, quite possibly, is even more dangerous than talking on your cell phone, but the law isn’t really enforceable. How is a cop going to prove you were texting?…. I was dialing my phone…. I was looking at a magazine…. I was using my GPS…
And then, do you love this? The fine, if you are a first offender, is $20.00, and for second or subsequent offenses, is $50.00…. I think we’re going to see a rash of police texting stops…. don’t you…
So, the morale of this story is that Virginia’s legislators have no guts because they won’t pass a bill that truly would save lives, NO CELL PHONE USE, AT ALL, WHILE DRIVING A CAR, and the law they did pass has little chance of every being used, as police likely won’t stop you or charge you if they suspect you’re texting, and even if they do likely you won’t be found guilty, and then, clearly, obviously, DON’T USE YOUR CELL PHONE WHILE DRIVING, AND THIS INCLUDES TEXTING.
Happy Trails, and drive safely.