Dear Reader,
Here’s a feel-good story I had to share.
Recently, News4 interviewed Virginia Native Michael Huntley, winner of season 24 of ‘The Voice.’ (Watch the full interview here: NBC interviews Virginia Native Huntley.) I was so impressed, not just by this man’s talent, but by his story, his commitment to his craft, his commitment to his family, and his unbeatable personality.
In the interview, Huntley talks about how he has been chasing his dreams since he was his daughter’s age. He talks about the sacrifices he’s made, all the no’s he’s heard, and the commitment he’s brought to following his dreams. He talks about how he went from playing his guitar on a park bench to performing live on a national stage.
His advice to all those currently following their dreams is to be prepared for that moment when an opportunity arises by putting in the necessary work.
This is excellent advice because while many might say Huntley is lucky, you and I know that ‘luck’ when it comes to true success, only happens when preparation meets opportunity.
Being one of the thousands of talented artists chosen to perform on ‘The Voice’ may have been a stroke of good luck for Huntley, but had he not been prepared, having practiced his craft every day, no amount of ‘luck’ would have seen him through to the end with a check in hand for $100,000 and a recording contract with Universal Music Group.
The truth we can all take from this is that those willing to put in the extra effort and work hard on their dreams will most likely experience what so many refer to as ‘luck.’
The same holds on the opposite end; those willing to plan ahead are least likely to be floored if bad luck or tragedy strikes. This is why we buy car, health, and life insurance. Not because we expect the worst but because we know that ‘luck’ runs both ways and if bad luck comes to ours, being prepared can lessen its blow.
With this in mind, I offer the Children Protection Plans through my law firm. As a personal injury attorney, I’m in the business of helping people pick up the broken pieces of their lives after ‘bad luck’ strikes.
Too many times, I’ve seen extended family scrambling to decide what’s next for recently orphaned children after their mother and father are killed in an auto collision. Too many times, I’ve seen grief compounded by uncertainty because no plan was in place for when bad luck turned into tragedy.
If you would like to safeguard your children and your family and gain peace of mind knowing that just like life insurance, you have the legal documentation in place to ensure your children and your family’s future in the event of your untimely passing, then I can help. Email me at or text or call 703-472-7688 to arrange for a discreet and confidential conversation about your Children Protection Plan.
Until next time, please be safe and never press your luck by texting while driving.
Sincerely yours,
Paul Samakow
Paul Samakow
Attorney Paul Samakow