by Admin | Mar 25, 2009 | Uncategorized
The Virginia Supreme Court recently ruled that a gentleman who pled guilty to Reckless Driving could not get the “medical benefit” payments on his automobile policy. Pleading guilty equated to an admission that he did something illegal, i.e., driving...
by Admin | Mar 22, 2009 | Uncategorized
A Montgomery County, Maryland jury awarded a homeowner, who defaulted on her mortgage loan, 1.25 Million Dollars, resulting from the Wells Fargo Bank’s loan officer inflating her income and assets on the loan application for the sub-prime mortgage loan the...
by Admin | Mar 19, 2009 | Uncategorized
A lady was attacked by a wild goose while a patron at a shopping center on Rockville Pike, in Rockville, Maryland. She claimed the shopping center management should have kept the nesting geese away and should have warned patrons of the aggressive tendencies of the...
by Admin | Mar 15, 2009 | Uncategorized
Another in the category “what was he thinking?” category. A manager at a Ford dealership in Baltimore installed video cameras in the women’s bathroom. Two female employees complained to the management, and then the guy fired them. The case settled...
by Admin | Mar 10, 2009 | Uncategorized
7 children, ranging in age from 2 to 11, were awarded $414,000.00 in damages when their father was killed in an accident. A Fairfax County, Virginia jury made the award stemming from a case where the father was in a van that struck a bus, which was illegally parked on...