by Samakow Law | Jan 30, 2024 | Automobile, Personal Injury, Spanish
Querido lector, Hace poco me encontré con una historia triste… Una pareja joven y su hija recién nacida estaban en casa una fría noche de invierno. Su antigua casa tenía calefacción central, pero la unidad luchaba por mantenerse al día con la caída de las...
by Samakow Law | Jan 30, 2024 | Automobile, Personal Injury
Dear Reader, I recently came across a sad story… A young couple and their newborn daughter were home on a cold winter night. Their old home had central heat, but the outdated unit was struggling to keep up with the plummeting temperatures outside. The couple was...
by Samakow Law | Jan 25, 2024 | Automobile, Personal Injury
Dear Reader, Winter is in full force this year. We’ve already seen snow, sleet, and ice, and if you believe the weather reports, we have a chilly forecast lined up for February. Snow days can be great fun when you’re throwing snowballs with the kids in the backyard or...
by Samakow Law | Jan 23, 2024 | Personal Injury, Spanish
Querido lector, Tengo una pregunta para ti y quiero que seas honesto… ¿Realiza el mantenimiento programado regular en su vehículo? ¿Cambia el aceite con regularidad, le da rotación a las llantas y verifica que los rotores y los frenos estén en buen estado de...
by Samakow Law | Jan 23, 2024 | Personal Injury, Spanish
Dear Reader, I have a question for you, and I want you to be honest… Do you perform regular scheduled maintenance on your vehicle? Do you change your oil regularly, rotate your tires, and check to ensure your rotors and brakes are in good working order? If you found...